wet and forget logo

Safe on brick, wood, siding, cement, stone, fabric, roofs, and more.

1-step spray and forget -- no rinsing or scrubbing.

No bleach, no harsh chemicals, no damage to any surface.

Gently cleans green & black stains with help from Mother Nature.

Buy now at your local Walmart Store or Walmart.com

No Scrubbing. No Bleach. No Fumes.


See How Wet And Forget Works

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Monument Cleaner
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Grave Cleaner
Grave Cleaning

Wet & Forget Reviews Taken From Walmart.com

See How Wet & Forget Works!

Wet And Forget cleans all outdoor surfaces including garden statues and planters!

No rinsing or scrubbing necessary, simply apply and let the rain do the work for you!

Vinyl and any other type of siding is easily cleaned with one application of Wet And Forget!

Bricks and stones covered in green algae clean up in a matter of days without any scrubbing!

Headstone in Illinois with green algae and lichen growth cleaned with Wet & Forget

Awesome Product!

This product is awesome for cleaning garden statues. I just sprayed it on and the green stuff growing on my cement goose was gone within a week! Thing looks brand new.

Walmart.com Review - Scuba52

wet and forget review
shower cleaner review

Boat Seats, Landscape!

I used Wet&Forget Outdoor on our boat seats that would mildew every couple months.  works great, it's been over six months and no black mildew.  Then I used it on our greening landscape timbers, the green disappeared.  It works great.

Walmart.com Review - Jerrie

Wet and Forget!

This is an awesome product. I used it on my siding and in less than a week the algae and mildew was gone.

Walmart.com Review - Mittens

wet and forget shower review

It Worked!

This is as good as power washing if you can wait for a few rain storms.  I sprayed this on my green mold on the back porch and with in a month and a half the green was gone and it didn't cost me hundreds to have it power washed.  Will use on any other part of the house that needs it next Spring.  Give it a try..

Walmart.com Review - Creekerken

review wet and forget

Worked Like A Charm!

I used it on my roof and plastic mail box and the mold is gone, "it worked like a charm". I had a professional give me an estimate for the same amount of work, that same labor and material would have cost me $160.00 just cost me $21.00. Thank you Mr Walton

Walmart.com Review - Jimmy


Don't Fear The Scum!

Wet & Forget Reviews On Walmart.com

This stuff is great!

This stuff is great! I spray it in my shower in the morning and just rinse!

Wet & Forget Facebook Review - Karen V.

Love all their products!

Just began using the wet & forget shower, best thing I've used you'll be amazed at how the soap scum is magically gone!

Wet & Forget Facebook Review - Rick P.

I love this product!

I tried Wet & Forget Shower Vanilla Scent and loved it. I love this product because it has helped cut my bathroom clean-up time which means less scrubbing for me and more me time.

Wet & Forget Facebook Review - Hamilton B.





Buy Wet And Forget
wet and forget cleaner
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Available at your local

hardware store!

Safe on brick, wood, siding, cement, stone, fabric, roofs, and more.

1-step spray and forget -- no rinsing or scrubbing.

No bleach, no harsh chemicals, no damage to any surface.

Gently cleans green & black stains with help from Mother Nature.

Available nationwide in over 18,000 retail locations.

For over 40 years Wet And Forget has been the trusted outdoor cleaner for homeowners, world-renowned theme parks, landmarks, and treasured historic sites.



gravestone cleaner
how to clean headstones

Awesome Product!

This product is awesome for cleaning garden statues. I just sprayed it on and the green stuff growing on my cement goose was gone within a week! Thing looks brand new.

Walmart.com Review - Scuba52

headstone cleaner
cleaning headstones

It Worked!

This is as good as power washing if you can wait for a few rain storms.  I sprayed this on my green mold on the back porch and with in a month and a half the green was gone and it didn't cost me hundreds to have it power washed.  Will use on any other part of the house that needs it next Spring.  Give it a try..

Walmart.com Review - Creekerken

Buy Wet And Forget

Worked Like A Charm!

I used it on my roof and plastic mail box and the mold is gone, "it worked like a charm". I had a professional give me an estimate for the same amount of work, that same labor and material would have cost me $160.00 just cost me $21.00. Thank you Mr Walton

Walmart.com Review - Jimmy

D2 Headstone Cleaner
D2 cleaner
Monument Cleaner
How To Clean Headstones

Wet & Forget Moss Mold Mildew & Algae Stain Remover

wet and forget rtu
  • Safe on brick, wood, siding, cement, stone, fabric, roofs, and more.

  • 1-step spray and forget -- no rinsing or scrubbing.

  • No bleach, no harsh chemicals, no damage to any surface.

  • Gently cleans green & black stains with help from Mother Nature.

  • Buy now at your local Walmart Store or Walmart.com

Available at


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